Friday, 25 October 2013

Davido Replies Skelewu Critics ..MUST READ

Fortunately and unfortunately it appears the media hasn't heard the last of 2013′s hottest song, most anticipated video and subsequently most controversial video series "skelewu".

Davido following his meeting with Guinness brewery disclosed to FNN in a brief interview that he doesn't care what other people think about his official skelewu(The movie) video.

In the words of the Gobe crooner; "No matter what you do, you just can't satisfy all Nigerians, I thought most of them will appreciate my effort to please them with another video in just 5days. The truth is that, the video by moe musa is awesome and those of them criticizing it, especially on twitter and youtube are those hating on me and skelewu simply because they didn't win the Skelewu dance competition and the $3000 prize." He exclaimed.

He went further to explain that to his own surprise skelewu went viral without any sign or fore warning, hence the waking up in the bed to find everyone dancing to skelewu concept in the video.

Despite davido stating he doesn't care about what the social media thinks, reliable sources within his clique hasn't dismissed the possibility of another skelewu video, especially because it was the same social media that pushed him to shoot another video and well yes! he has the money OBO.

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