Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Washing down there,soap or water,which is preferable?

Washing your Vjayjay with soap, whether bar soap of liquid is not the best way to keep clean. The Vjayjay stays quite clean on its own without needing the help of outside cleansers. Like other parts of the body, the Vjayjay has a pH level within range of 3.5 and 4.5 to be specific. In order to prevent the growth of unhealthy bacteria and facilitate the growth of good bacteria, that pH range should be maintained.

Using harsh cleansers can upset the balance, leading to infection, irritation and even bad smells.

If you do end up washing your Vjayjay with soap, make sure to thoroughly rinse it with warm water so that no traces of soap are left behind. Soap left inside can cause irritation.

Feminine sprays and Douching with chemicals that are supposed to make your Vjayjay smell like a field of flowers actually ends up having quite the opposite effect. They remove/wash out the healthy bacteria that helps your Vjayjay stay clean and infection-free.

Go for something completely natural and chemical free.

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