
Saturday, 16 August 2014

EBOLA: Heart Breaking Pictures From Liberia

A photographer, John Moore, risked his life and bravely traveled to Monrovia, Liberia, to take pictures and show the world what is really happening in Liberia. He also wanted to create pictures showcasing how families are being torn apart as a result of the deadly virus. 
International doctors have admitted  the disease is spreading faster than the response.
A medical worker on the frontline of tackling the disease in Liberia says response teams are unable to document all the cases  as many of the sick are being hidden at home rather than taken to Ebola treatment centres. More shocking photos below:

A woman stands over her husband with her head in her hands, after he staggered and fell, knocking him unconscious in an Ebola ward in Liberia


Workers wearing protective clothing and masks look on as the woman desperately tries to help her husband who has fallen to the ground

The ward, in a former primary school, is where people suspected of having the virus are sent by health workers

Patients in the Ebola isolation centre are forced to sleep on mattresses on the floor after being sent to the facility suspected of having the disease

Three-year-old Nino sits in a newly opened Ebola isolation centre set up by the Liberian health ministry in a closed school

Children sit in the isolation ward as the disease continues to spread in West Africa

Neighbours watch as a son prepares his father to be taken to an Ebola isolation centre yesterday

A man stands next to the coffin of Dr Modupeh Cole, a doctor from Sierra Leone, who succumbed to the deadly Ebola virus

A son tries to rouse his father in their one-room home before he is taken to an Ebola ward in Liberia

An Ebola victim is loaded on to a truck by a government burial team at a facility in Kailahun in Sierra Leone

Chinese doctors put on protective clothing and masks before starting work at the Harman Road Hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone

A Liberian burial team stand together in prayer before entering a house in Monrovia to remove the body of a woman suspected of dying of Ebola

After her body is placed on a truck and taken away, neighbours and relatives gather around to watch the vehicle depart

A woman cries as the undertakers, wearing protective clothing go to remove her cousin's body

Andrew, 14, gets dressed before being taken to an Ebola isolation ward

After seeing all these heart-breaking pictures, here was someone's comment on DailyMail

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