A couple, Ike Ugwoke, a lawyer, and his adorable wife, Isioma, recently narrated to Sun Newspaper, how they got triplets after 14years of agonizing expectation. The triplets, a girl, Dazzle Chizaram Danielle Ike-Ugwoke and two boys, Newton Chinwoke Daniel Ike-Ugwoke, Newman Chinweike David Ike-Ugwoke were dedicated at Christian Pentecostal Mission, Ajao Estate, Lagos, on October 26, 2014, in a carnival like ceremony that was witnessed by friends and family of the couple . The mother of the triplets also celebrated her 40th birthday on the occasion.
Ike Ugwoke, narrated the journey he and his wife passed through to parenthood in a testimony with Daily Sun.
“We got married on March 11, 2000 in Christian Pentecostal Mission International Headquarters, Ajao Estate, Lagos, after waiting for about two years to obtain the consent of our parents for the union. Our wedding was quite glamorous to the glory of God and we were showered with a whole lot of gifts made up substantially of baby items . Part of our prayers and that of others during and after the wedding as well as our earnest expectation was that after nine months from the date of the wedding, we would gather again to celebrate the blessing of the fruit of the womb in our family bu t that did not happen till 14 years after .
“During our years of travail, friends and relatives suggested many things and recommended many doctors that we should visit. We were very careful on which doctor we should see as the advice and recommendations from people were coming virtually on daily basis and from different people. Some even suggested that we visit churches that claim to specialise in ofering prayers that guaranteed pregnancy while others suggested visit to white garment churches and even native doctors . The most annoying aspect of it is that whoever you refused his or her suggestion picked quarrel with you, especially close relations. Most of them saw us as unserious minded people, who were no t making reasonable efforts to overcome the challenge of childlessness, facing us then. Some others suggested that we should adopt a child and that the presence of such a child would reduce tension in our home and that when that happened, we would begin to have our own children.
“Having refused most of these suggestions, hostility from
relatives and even our parents became so intense we resolved not to be
travelling to ou r home towns frequently to avoid coming close to them. We also
tried to dodge having any form of discussion with our parents in Lagos just to
avoid their usual question ‘what are you people doing about this problem of
childlessness?’ But that did not help our situation in any way, as our parents
and other relatives decided to come to our house to find out what we were
actually doing to resolve the problem. In one of such visits by one of ou r
parents, he insisted that we should join their church (a popular Pentecostal
church) and that as soon as we did that, we would receive children.W e tried to
let him realise that the blessing of the fruit of th e womb and any other
blessing came from God and not from jumping from one church to another and that
there is God where we are worshipping .
“Such mockery continued from relatives and friends without
abating. Some told us that having been in a particular church for so many years
and nothing was happening there, it had become necessary to try somewhere else.
One called us one day and asked, ‘are you people still in tha t church?’ And we
replied him that for sure we were still there. We were so much traumatised by
ways people inflicted pains on us in pretence that they were trying to help us
overcome our challenges . The only time my wife was a bit relieved of tension
was when she got to the Children’ sDepartment in the church where she was
posted to work as one of the leaders few years ago. She cares fo r the children
as her own and they are very fond o f her.
“While we continued to pray to God, we were also making
reasonable efforts by seeing some of the medical doctors that we were refereed
to . In 2008, a doctor was recommended to us in one of the states in the East.
In course of his medica l investigation and treatment, he told us that my
wife’s womb could not accommodate more than one child at a time, as it was
retrospective in shape . After several visits and treatment, we still did no t
achieve pregnancy.
“Few years after, a family friend recommended that we should
travel to America, as they have better medical facilities. She had done that
and given birth to twins. We then called a relation of ours, who lives in
America to assist us with the necessary documents that would assist us in
securing visa but he refused to allow us to come to his hous e because we did
not follow his aunt to her church . We eventually travelled to another country
where we were also investigated medically and given some medications but still
there was no result .
“Sometime in August 2012, my wife noticed she was pregnant
but within two months, she los t it. By early 2013, we were tired of all
efforts we were making and we contemplated surrogacy. While we were trying to
save the money to go fo r surrogacy, one of our parents died. Our attention was
diverted to completion of the family house and burial. After the burial in July
2013, we discussed about the surrogacy again but my wife said we should we
should wait more on the Lord some more, as she received revelation that He
would answer us. We both agreed to wait on Him further .We continued to see our
doctor though, praying that He would grant us our heart desires.
“By middle of November 2013, my wife began to feel very
uncomfortable and on 25th of the same month, she decided to do a strip test
(pregnancy test) very early in the morning. The result was positive but we
decided to keep it to ourselves . Few weeks after, my wife told me that she saw
in a dream where God put four eggs in her hands bu t that one of them appeared
broken. Few days after ,we went to see our doctor, who then recommended a scan.
It was done and to our greatest surprise, the result of the scan showed four
pregnancy sacks . While three appeared quite viable, the fourth one was not
clear. The doctor then told us that the pregnancy was that of a quadruplets. We
received the news with mixed feelings.
“We were so happy that God had remembered us but at the same
time, we were scared, consider ing the risks associated with multiple
pregnancies. But in all, we continued to pray and asked God to take absolute
control. By the 13th week of the pregnancy, my wife’s legs were swollen and
that necessitated our going for another scan in another hospital. This time
around, the result showed triplets and an ovarian cyst. The gynaecologist in
the hospital advised that based on the latest scan result, the pregnancy was a
high risk one, as the cyst could cause more problems to it at any time . At
this point, we were more terrified and after due consultation with friends and
neighbours, we resolved to seek medical treatment abroad. Several countries
were suggested but most people favoured our travelling to America.
“Few days after, we were able to establish a link with a
hospital in Texas, USA, and then we applied for a medical visa in their Embassy
in Nigeria and to God be the glory, we were granted two years visa each.
Without wasting time, we travelled to America and on arrival on the 19th week
of the pregnancy, we went to the hospital.A nother scan was carried out and it
showed triplets and no cyst . When we had a discussion with the doctors, we
found out that it was the fourth pregnancy sack tha t was going out that was
labelled a cyst in the scan done back home in Nigeria. The doctors in USA
continued to monitor the pregnancy until it was considered due in line with the
period associated with multiple births.
On June 25, 2014, my wife was delivered of two boys and a
girl. It was like a dream to us, as w e never prayed for triplets but when we
remembered that our God promised that He would do exceedingly and abundantly
more than we can ever ask o r think, we had no choice but to continue to
glorify the name of the Lord. It was then it dawned on u s that God had turned
again the captivity of Zion . Everyone, including our enemies that heard what
the Lord had done in our life trembled and glori fied the Lord. To God be the
glory for great things He hath done.”
Mrs. Isioma Ugwoke added that women in childless situations
should build their hope in God , otherwise they would fall into temptation that
would rob them of their faith.
The General Overseer of CPM, Rev. Dr. O. Ezekiel, while
delivering a message, entitled: Great Privilege, on the occasion, said though
children were good blessings, marriages are still complete without them. So, he
admonished couples challenged by delayed child bearing to leave it in th e
hands of God, who, in due time, would surely fulfill His promises.
Thereafter, he called the Ugwokes and another couple that dedicated their first child after 10 years of marriage to pray for childless couples.
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