Monday, 10 August 2015

7 basic steps to maintaining a healthy relationship


Everyone wants to be in a relationship but no one wants to be responsible for one. What people do not understand is that you have to put in the same amount of energy that you put in every other aspect of your life in your relationship too. One minute you love someone and feel like you cannot live without the person and the next minute,you are plotting and looking for means to get rid of the person.

The point is,the magic is not in getting a relationship but in staying in one. The magic is in the ability to fall in love with that one special person over and over again. Many relationships fail because people do not put extra efforts anymore. They move onto the next available person,yet they are never satisfied. At a point when they can no longer find satisfaction in anyone,they become stranded and tag all men or women as the same. The simple truth is that if you do not maintain your relationship and nurture it,you might find yourself in no relationship at all. Here are basic steps to maintaining a healthy relationship
1). Please do not demand for or recieve what you cannot give. If you need love,you have to give love. If you need not to be cheated on,you need to be faithful too. You cannot go around asking people to do what you cannot do. 

 2). Be willing to negotiate and compromise. If you cannot be able to compromise most of the time,then it would be easier for you if you just date yourself. You have to always be ready to come to some sort of agreement over issues whether they favour you or not. 

  3). Lower your expectations. Realise that there is no such thing as a perfect person. People are always going to err no matter how good they are. Do not expect someone to do the right thing always. Sometimes, what is right for you might not be what is right for them. Make provisions for making amends all the time. That way,you have already forgiven the person before they even go astray. 

 4). You must respect each other. Respect their needs,opinion,space and beliefs. You must understand that no two people are the same even identical twins so do not expect a total stranger to behave like you or the way you have programmed them in your mind. Accept the differences and take advantage of it to nourish your relationship.
5). Realise that your partner is not a messenger from God,therefore,cannot meet every of your needs and demands. Get ready to meet all your unmet needs outside of your relationship. This is applicable to almost all aspects of your relationship apart from the sexual aspect. 

 6). Forgiveness is key. If you do not have a forgiving spirit,please do not bother to be in a relationship. Your partner is always going offend you and trust me,you are also going to offend your partner. Get ready to forgive as many times as possible as long as it is not an infidelity case. It is totally your choice as to whether to forgive a cheating partner or not. 

 7). Have compassion for each other,care for each other,protect each other,accept each other’s weaknesses and above all, LOVE each other.

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