DON'T COOK OR WASH FOR A MAN THAT HAS NOT MARRIED YOU" is one of the preaching I won't advise you to accept from a pastor in a singles program.
This message means that in courtship, all you do is to go from eateries to cinema to beach to parties.. Just jumping up and down, then have sex, propose and marry.
Girls without home training have become born again just because of this message so as to fool a man into marriage.
A girl will tour all the parties and club with a guy and later go to pass the night with him giving him all the trending styles on bed and even introduce some new ones but when u tell her "baby cook for me" she will reply "my pastor said its a sin to cook for som1 who is not my husband, so if u want me to cook for u, marry me"..
*thinking* wait o.. If COOKING is a SIN, what about S3X?
if the guy had been deceived by that message, he will marry her and after some months they will divorce.. When you ask him, he will say "I married a stranger, she can't do anything apart from attending parties"
At this point, he won't listen to his pastors advice because it was his message that landed him in this she*t.
The funny part is even if he reports to his pastor, his pastor will ask "didn't u date her?.... What were you doing during courtship"
It is now he would realize that pastor has DENIED his MESSAGE.
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