The one thing that made it possible for successful people to achieve their goals is definitely belief in self. You need to believe in yourself if you want others to believe in you. But it's much easier said than done. If you are human, you have struggled with belief. Although, you might think that you do believe in yourself, but if you think that you don't have what it takes to be successful when you experience a failure;
if you start questioning yourself when your friends and family disagree with you; if after making a mistake you feel like a failure for a long time; if you feeling confused on what you're meant to be doing in your life and if you have a lot of negative self-talk than you don't believe in yourself as much as you need to succeed. And if this is true than here are couple of things you need to stop doing to start believing in yourself:
Not Knowing Your Purpose In Life
We all ask ourselves the question "what's my purpose?" at some point in our life. To understand where you are going you need to understand who you are and what you want first. The first step you need to do on that road is to define and prioritize your values and goals. Goals will show you what you want and values will show you what you need.
Not “Faking It Until You Make It”
Not everyone who looks like a very confident person truly is the one. We all have struggles with believe, but some of us know how to act when you do. This begins with simply speaking confidently and assertively even if you're not confident at this very moment.
Doing It All Alone
If you want to be a happy, successful person you have to understand that you can't do everything by yourself. Surround yourself with as many good people as possible. It is important that you'd have at least one person who will believe in your ideas and in you even more than you are. The support from someone you love is more important than you might think. No one ever succeeded without being rejected for many times, without making mistakes and hearing "no" very-very often. So don't allow negative people and thoughts to impact you. Believing in yourself instantly is not easy, but if you’re doing any of things listed above to yourself today, stop so that you can start believing in yourself tomorrow.
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