Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Americans want Donald Trump to quit Twitter

Almost all Americans want President Donald Trump to quit Twitter, although the platform is the favorite methods of communication he has enjoyed. According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, many Americans seem to wish he would change his behavior on the platform.

About 67% of Americans disapprove of the way Trump uses Twitter, the poll found. When asked to describe the President's Twitter usage, about 68% found Trump's tweets "inappropriate," 65% described the tweets as "insulting," while 52% called it "dangerous." The poll comes one day after Trump spent Sunday morning on Twitter attacking the news media, former electoral rival Hillary Clinton, and the investigations into any possible connections between his presidential campaign and Russia.
The ABC/Post poll also found that 57% of Americans like Trump less the more they heard about him. At the same time, Trump's approval rating has fallen to 36%, the lowest of any President in the past seven decades.

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