Saturday 7 December 2013

There Is No Such Thing As Competition Between Me & Tope Alabi- Shola Allyson-Obaniyi (Eji Owuro)

Literally speaking, Sola Allyson-Obaniyi is another dyed in the wool kind of vocalist. This endears her to even fans alien to her medium of expression, Yoruba. Twenty five years of singing professionally and "Olusola" as she's fondly called, is enamoured by both budding and skilled musicians. Some even think she has been fiercely competing with equally riveting gospel singer, Tope Alabi. In this interview with LANRE ODUKOYA, the songstress reveals all that colours her world

Why I relocated to Lagos…
Iwas born in Lagos. I grew up in Lagos till I got married and my husband was transferred to Ibadan. And we lived in Ibadan for ten years; ten eventful years. I believe this Lagos step is a spiritual one. I may not use the right words, but what I mean is that it is a leading of the spirit. I did not just plan or scheme it; it just always was impressed on my heart to do. And it has been five years. It always came and went. We tried, and rescinded. We left it there. When it is time, we would know, my husband said. And we believe now is the time, please don't ask how we knew, it's beyond verbal explanation. And the provision was made available. I believe God Knows best. Lagos is a land of opportunities. I know that. But I believe in opportunities following me to the land I am in; the opportunities of the land I am in to be mine. It is about where God wants us to be. And I had so much peace and fulfillment living in Ibadan. I am not confused. I trust God, and I believe, deep in my depth, that I am taking a step I must take.

Secret of my towering career…
There is no magic wand. It is the help of God. Eji Owuro enjoyed tremendous acceptance beyond expectation and imagination. But then, all my albums after then, Gbeje F'ori, Ire, Im'oore and Adun have also been accepted tremendously. It is just that I have the privilege of being sensitive to how God wants me to deliver the message he sent me with. And when you tread the path you are made to tread, not minding whether it would be popular or not, expressing yourself like yourself, your world listens and looks your way, and you are called "unique", "distinct" and so on.

How I revitalise my velvet voice…
My voice is a heavenly endowment. By erudition, I am a musicologist, by profession, I am a singer. The link shows I have been given the spiritual and physical help and skill to retain my voice. I try as much as possible to stay close to the giver of the gift for the gift to get oiled.

Challenges of stardom…
No, stardom is not a bed of roses. But you have a choice. All of us have the capability to define the way we want to live our lives. Yes, music is my purpose and the world calls one who is seen as successful in performing arts as a "star", but being a star does not define who I am. I am a woman who knows who she is in creation, what she's made to do and sets boundaries for herself which she's always conscious of.

Music beyond denomination lines…
I am a Christian who tries as much as possible to walk the path of light, regardless of the distractions of religious segregations. I used to be a Celestian. And I believe I needed to walk that path. I am always grateful to God for making me walk that path. All the experiences I have made me who I am today and I believe there is no mistake in God's plans. It is more than whether you are in Celestial or Pentecostal. It is about being in the environment where his plans take you for learning, for getting the lessons you need to learn in life, to make your soul finer, to make you who you should be. Denominations are a distraction. We should strive to do according to the word, according to the message of love Jesus brought to us. And talking about my line of duty, those whom I am sent to are those who would love what I do and buy my works and listen to me. I do not assume everyone likes me or would invite me. There are Muslims that are in love with my works, even those who do not understand my language. It is beyond what physical ears can understand, but what the human spirit can experiences. We all have our audience, those we are sent to, religion or not, denomination or not.

The commercial success of my albums…
All of my albums have been successful, depending on how you look at it. In terms of affecting the souls of men, all my albums have been successful. I have heard testimonies that made me cry in worship to God for giving me this gift of writing and singing songs. As for monetary success, I thank God for where I am. If I do not have the little I have, God would still be God and I would still be a singer. I did just an album, Eji Owuro and everything changed for me. I look up for more help, to experience real financial breakthrough as I walk the path I'm called to walk. Money will come, I believe.

Crossroads in line of duty…
No, I have never thought of quitting music. I didn't choose to go into music. My maker chose me for music. I have had experiences, sweet, bitter, all. It has been more than 25 years of being a professional singer of which I have enjoyed 10 as a "star". Challenges have come, but I believe all these are experiences that sharpen and shape who I should be. I am always learning. And I shall get better. Doors have opened for me. Men and women have blessed me greatly, materially. I have enjoyed goodwill. I have been privileged. But I believe this is just the beginning. Greater things will come my way, in ideas and in opportunities. I hope for the best for a great change and a more fulfilling career.

Proficiency in other musical instruments…
My voice is an instrument. I "play" it and I can also play the piano/organ. I graduated as a voice major and piano minor, with performance as area of specialization; one of the best the Music Technology Department of The Polytechnic, Ibadan ever produced.

Aside singing…
I listen to radio a lot. I listen to all for different reasons. I observe all that goes on around me so as to know how best to use the gifts I have. I should not look at some music as bad, as long as I am still a part of the industry. Every work of art is unique and I accord everyone respect for their creativity. And sometimes, I listen to no music, depending on the spiritual frequency around me. There should be silence when you need to listen and receive.

Getting emotional with songs as in the case of late Gbenga Adeboye's tribute…
Oh, that tribute song for late Gbenga Adeboye. Getting emotional with songs, that's what I learnt in school as expression. Well, I just put my best into what I do, simple. I try to understand the song and I express it. I am a trained singer. I practice music as a lawyer practices his law business and as a surgeon would do surgery in the theatre.

Between me and tope alabi…
This question makes me laugh. There is no basis for comparison or competition between Tope Alabi and I. We are so different. We both sing in Yoruba but our application and approach are different. We are friends. We still spoke yesterday. She calls me; "omo iya mi", which means "my sibling". We have met in the same concerts and programmes before and people were blessed by both of us, performing differently. Anita Baker and Whitney Houston were in the same generation. Was there any basis for competition? See, it is when you have low self esteem, when you are not sure of who you are, confused identity, misplaced priority that you would feel being in competition with anybody. We are all unique. I love her and I have said it publicly before. Whatever challenges she might have had, all of us have our challenges. So, no competition o. I beg!

Marriage and motherhood…
I enjoy being a woman. So being a wife and a mother is an experience I am privileged to enjoy. It is not straightforward. There are curves and corners, but then, life comes with curves and corners as a whole. My husband is my friend; our children are God's gifts. I appreciate our relationship and treat it as precious. Marriage and motherhood have not slowed me down in any way, but have equipped me more and opened me to me the more. I never knew I had the strength to go through challenges this way. I never knew so much joy is in being a wife and mother. Our trials, our triumphs are great experiences for me. I am walking the path I am made to walk and there's no coincidence; nothing just happens. I have not been slowed down, rather I have joy in the innate ability I possess to do all at once.

My legacy in and after life…
I would like to be remembered as a woman who believed in who she was made to be. And one who never waned in trusting that all answers to your breakthrough in life, in all areas, lie within you.

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