Sunday 12 January 2014

Vacancy:Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development

The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) has received a loan from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) of the United Nation equivalent to USD27.2 million towards the cost of implementing a Rural Finance Institution Building Programme (RUFIN) through the Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan for the Engagement of a Micro Finance Expert.
The Rural Finance Institution Building Programme (RUFIN) is established with a Loan Facility in the sum of 27.2 million Dollars to the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The primary objective of this Programme is to develop and/or strengthen the rural microfinance subsector of the economy, comprising the Microfinance Banks (MFBs) and other member-based Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) so as to enhance access of the rural population to sustainable financial services, thereby expanding and improving agricultural productivity as well as growing rural micro and small enterprises (MSEs). The expected outcome is poverty alleviation especially among the rural poor, women, youths and the physically challenged and closing of the very large existing gap of financial inclusion of the active poor.
The RUFIN components are:
1. Capacity Building & Technical Support to Bank and Non-bank Micro-finance Institutions.
This consists of two sub-components:-
i. Capacity Building for Bank and Non-Bank Financial Institutions.
ii. Promotion of Access to Refinance and Linkage facilities.
2.Targeted Development & Strengthening Institutional Environment for Micro-finance Development.
This consists of three sub-components;-
i. Improve policy, legal and institutional framework for cooperatives and RMFL
ii. Implementation support, regulation and supervision of MFB.
iii. Research and documentation of policy dialogue.
3. Programme Coordination and Management
Objectives of the Assignment
The purpose of the assignment is to utilize the experience of a microfinance expert in further achieving the mandate of RUFIN as an intervention agency in the development and strengthening of the microfinance sub-sector of the Nigerian economy
Basic responsibilities of the Micro Finance Expert;
Develop a action plan and follow up with RUFIN staff at the top, middle and bottom tier so that
(i) Resultant flow of credit funds from MFBs to rural communities increase;and sustainability;
(iii) MFIs activities, Le. Apex Cooperatives and Non-Bank Financial NGOs, commence in full scale in partnership with the Federal and State Departments of Cooperatives.
Develop concrete mechanisms to ensure
(i) Adequate refinancing support to the MFIs/MFIs;
(ii) Development of the rural portfolio of MFBs/MFls: and
(iii) Operationalization of the group development strategy with the requirements of start-up financing in rural markets.
Work with CBN to develop the business plans of strategically selected and prioritized MFBs.
Engage with and support BoA in developing its own Micro Finance window through supporting a number of outlets to become Microfinance driven.
Explore available windows of investment opportunities for participating MFBs/MFls through financial linkage process
Ensure information exchange between the MFBs/MFls and the programme.
Operationalize the financial cooperatives model through coordination with department of Cooperatives are the Federal and State levels and assist in the establishment and monitoring of the policy and operational environment.
Connect the participating Microfinance Institutions/Banks to bankable women's savings and credit groups.
Build sustainability through the apexes for MFBs and Non-Bank Microfinance Institutions.
Learn from the Microfinance practices and experiences of other countries for adaptation by RUFINMFIs.
Continuously monitor activities and achievements of participating Microfinance Institutions/Banks, and advise RUFIN Programme on more areas of intervention.
A Master Degree in Finance, Management, Economics or any related field with minimum of 15 years cognate including with at least 10 years in microfinance sub-sector within the Nigerian Economy;
Experience and knowledge in microfinance corporate governance, program managements, administration, operations management, risk management. internal auditing, and financial analysis and management, performance measurement and monitoring and microfinance impact assessment.
Experience in leading workshops and trainings particularly on Microfinance.
Proven ability to nurture a smooth working relationship with various stakeholders (MFIs, banks, technical assistance providers, international donors, research agencies etc).
Strong communication, public relations, organization and leadership skills.
Sound knowledge of microfinance products and delivery mechanisms.
Excellent and proven facilitation and training skills to build capacity effectively in a group setting,
Possess the ability to produce accurate and precise reports to RUFIN,
Have the appropriate language skills for the country of delivery i.e. good English language skills for liaising with project partners will be an advantage.
Some understanding of entrepreneurship development. co-operatives and agricultural management is desirable,
RUFIN calls on interested qualified Microfinance Expert, to submit six (6) copies of detailed CV's to the undersigned not later than three (3) weeks from the date ofthis advertisement.
National Programme Coordinator
FGN/IFAD-Rural Finance Institution Building Programme
3 Safana Close,
Off Zaria Street,
Garki II,
DUE DATE:30 January, 2014

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