Wednesday 14 May 2014

Angry Student Pours Hot Shit Water On Prof. Soyinka Of UNN

This might make some of you angry but if you ever studied in Nigerian universities and experience how some of our godlike-profs and lecturers treat students, you will be very happy infact i am dancing that students are now bold enough to speak out(not supporting the shit pouring though).
According to Akpamie the whistle blower ”This incident happened on Tuesday May 6,2014 when a student who is supposed to have been in final year (600level) in Veterinary Medicine was denied the permission to write his exams….
The student had a problem when he was in 3rd year and was not allowed to move over to 4th year so he had to repeat his professional exams starting from 2nd year .
After writing another first professional exam(i.e in third year 1st semester) he had incomplete result and he was forced to rewrite those exams, he did and passed to 4th year (while his real mates were in 5th year)
In Fourth year 2nd semester, during his second professional exam he fainted in the exam hall and was rushed to the University of Nigeria medical center Nsukka where he gained consciousness  after some hours but was too weak to continue the exams.
When he resumed a healthy student and reported to the faculty, he was asked to withdraw from veterinary medicine ( this implied that he would
 still be a UNN student but can never study veterinary medicine in UNN with his 2008 reg number)
He protested and begged for a resit of the exams he didn’t write but the dean Prof. S.V.O.Soyinka refused out rightly.
 After some time, he was asked to go back to Fourth year while his real classmates are in final year and the second class he joined are in 5th year.
He protested but no one did or said anything to help him …no one dares question anything Prof Soyinka says
After some months the student decided to go back to 4th year..
 he wrote all their tests and during the exam period presented himself for examination only to be told that the dean Prof. Soyinka gave an order that he shouldn’t be allowed to write the exam.

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This got the student angry and the next day he visited the dean in his office to know his offence again, at the office the dean ordered him out not knowing that the student came with polythene bag filled with “hot shit water” ….
The guy became angry and stated shouting and quarrelling with Prof Soyinka and the professor quickly left his office and the student followed him threatening him, the dean started running for his life and the student pursued him into the fifth year class where they were writing exams and poured the hot shit water on him.
 The smell paused the exam for about 30mins and the Prof called the security but before they got there the student was already gone.
The prof is alleged  to have withdrawn two 5th year students with 2006 reg number from the faculty”

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