Saturday 12 May 2018

Woman Arrested After Sending 65,000 Texts To First Date

Woman Arrested After Sending 65,000 Texts To First Date
A Phoenix woman is facing numerous charges after she allegedly sent more than 65,000 text messages to a man after a first date last summer, many of them containing bizarre threats. Police arrested 31-year-old Jacqueline Ades on May 8 and charged her with threatening, stalking, harassment and failure to appear in court, according to The Washington Post.

Ades discussed the allegations on Thursday during a jailhouse interview with local CBS affiliate KPHO-TV. “I felt like I met my soul mate and I thought we would just do what everybody else did and we would get married and everything would be fine,” Ades said, adding that she met the man on Luxy, an online dating site for verified millionaires.
Ades said she sent her date so many texts because “loving him selflessly brought me his information.” According to police, many of the text messages Ades “selflessly” sent included anti-Semitic insults and threats like, “Don’t ever try to leave me … I’ll kill you … I don’t wanna be a murderer!” Authorities say she texted the following: “I hope you die … you rotten filthy Jew.” “I’m like the new Hitler … man was a genius.” “Oh, what I would do w/your blood … I’d wanna bathe in it.” Authorities said Ades has been sending as many as 500 messages a day since last year, but her efforts to connect with her former date became more extreme last month. That’s when she allegedly broke into the man’s home and took a bath in his tub. Police say she also showed up at his work pretending to be his wife. The Phoenix woman — who referred to herself as the “new Hitler” — dished out some relationship advice Thursday and defended the alleged harassment by claiming that she “loved him.” “If you just give, and you don’t stop giving, even if you don’t receive, you all of a suddenly receive a lot,” Ades said. Ades was arrested over an incident last week in which she allegedly showed up at the man’s workplace pretending to be his wife. She faces charges of threatening, stalking and harassment. “I felt like I met my soul mate and I thought we would just do what everybody else did and we would get married and everything would be fine,” she said from jail. Ades, however, was reluctant to discuss whether her feelings were reciprocated. “I don’t want to talk about that,” Ades said when asked if she was told to stop contacting him. She insisted she is not crazy — just the “the person that discovered love,” according to KTVK. The alleged stalker is being held without bond. She is scheduled to appear in court next on May 15.

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