Sunday 18 August 2013

OCBsermon: Today's Topic-Be A Doer

(James 1:25 NKJV) "But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does."The Word of God is full of power for prosperity, but you need to know how to release this power before you can greatly benefit from it. It is not good enough to store up scriptures in your memory. Until transition is made from knowing the Word in the head to practicing it in your daily life, power is not released. There is a difference between the sense knowledge of the Word of God and revelation knowledge of it. The former is simply called mental assent. There is no power in this. Revelation knowledge on the other hand propels you to act on the Word of God. Acting on the Word is real faith; it is what triggers off God's power. Real faith steps out in boldness to do what is written in the Word. Stepping out this way brings God's power on the scene, thereby making the "impossible" possible. Don't be contented with having mere sense knowledge; stay with the Word long enough to receive revelation that will make you act in line. This will ensure you are always prosperous and blessed. DAILY SCRIPTURE READING: James 1:1-25

I am the righteousness of God and I live by faith. I have the God-kind of faith in my heart, so I please God in all my ways. I am free from fear, doubt and unbelief. I have received a precious faith from God. My faith is active and effective at all times. I walk in great faith because I pay much attention to the Word of God.I have a world-overcoming faith because I am born of God.

Nothing is impossible with me because my trust is in the power of the Almighty God. I believe all the promises of God and the Word is working for me. I believe and I receive all that God has in store for me.I am not of them that draw back but I believe to the saving of the soul. I hold on to my confession until I see my desired manifestations. Life flows continually out of my mouth. Everything around me is subject to change through the eternal Word of God in my heart and mouth.I honor God and His Word in all my ways. Therefore, I am honored in life with health, soundness and all- round prosperity. I have the spiritual attitude of faith. I am always quick to believe the Word and my life is full of good results.

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