Thursday 12 September 2013

Five ways to know if a woman likes you

Wouldn't it be really amazing if you can skip past the nerve-racking part and enjoy hanging out with her because you know she already likes you?
Well here are 5 ways to know when she's feeling your vibes.
She makes eye contact: If you haven't met yet but catch her looking at you then glancing away, then checking back to see if you're still looking at her … this is a sign, gentlemen! Just make sure she's actually staring at you
She smiles, tells you her name and starts throwing off physical signals:If she seems to be showing off, fluffing or twirling her hair, extra giggly etc, those are good signs. Also, she tends to ignore the fact that you keep sneaking a peek at her cleavage, heck, she might even position herself for better view. Meanwhile, is she politely shooing away people who drift in to interrupt? That's fantastic! She's trying to keep the party to two.
She searches for commonalities:Any. Thing. At. All. During the conversation, she tries to find something you both have in common. It might be as trivial as shared love for the same sweets and sitcoms, or as heavy as your political views. If it starts to seem like you have nothing in common, she can say something like "Wow! I've always wanted to try that", regardless of whether you're going on about shark-cage diving or a pottery class.
But if she frowns at you blankly, clearly having no clue what you're talking about, move on.
She touches you:That may mean she touches your shoulder when she leans in to talk or gives you a friendly jab in the ribs. Subtly test waters by letting your hand rest on her knees. She lets it stay there? Score! If she's taking great pains not to let any part of her body linger near yours or if she recoils abruptly at your touch, even by accident, move on!
She's taking the interaction to another levelby a) clarifying that she's talking about an ex-boyfriend, not a current one, when she says "we", b) asking open-ended questions about you that require long answers, and c) dissuading you from leaving and encouraging you to stay with her.

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