Tuesday 28 January 2014


The PDP, the Presidency and their paid agents in the Yinka Odumakins of this world, [the Victor Umehs, the Dan Nwanyawus], the rudderless Afenifere gang and the remnants of the activist class, now turned Jonathan apologists, have been up in arms since APC issued the directive to its lawmakers to block executive bills.
The bad mouthing, the winning, the sentimental arguments and the crying wolf where there is none by these groups is so laughable and reeks of ignorance and mischief.As expected, Odumakin, multiple agent of state - who straddles the worlds of being a pseudo-progressive and that of being an anarchist - as expected was one of the first voices to condemn the APC. Riding on the castrated Afenifere platform, Odumakin condemned APC's plan to block all legislative proposals.
Because they were in a hurry to deliver the message of their masters, they had no time to think on their own, thus their ignorance about democratic principles and what obtains in a country with two strong parties is on display was immediately exposed to discerning minds.
But first, let me deal with the issue of mischief. I have not seen anywhere where Odumakin or Afenifere have come out to condemn Jonathan, the PDP and the Police about what is playing out in Rivers State. The impunity, the abuse of power, the desecration of democratic institutions, usurpation of power and deaths of innocent citizens has gone on in Rivers State unabated. The masterminds are in the open and the President sits in blissful ignorance pretending he has no hand in it.
Why can't Odumakin and his Afenifere group challenge and expose Jonathan on this issue? But they dare not because they are the paid agents of state. Where have they been since the PDP-led government unleashed mayhem in Rivers? The impunity in Rivers state is unacceptable to all lovers of democracy. That should be the concern of all. They should also wake up. The real anarchists are Jonathan and his agents.
Apart from the Afenifere, we have other groups. The sudden emergence of plethora organizations set up to attack the APC shows that public funds are being handed out to these groups. For instance, the so-called Ominira Yoruba Apapo is a faceless group. It cannot speak for me and as well as other Yorubas. As such, it has no right to tell the APC what to do. The group should form their own party and or simply join the PDP.
Furthermore, the Afeniferes and Odumakins of this world should form their party or join PDP if they feel disturbed about the position of the APC. They are already stooges to them anyway.
I see a two-party system and the APC is well within its rights to take the position it has taken. May be they should go and read up about American politics and see how it's done. Republicans were not called anarchists when they used their numbers to shut down the system.
Several times, they have disagreed bitterly with the Democrats on issues and policies and Americans have not called either the Democrats or Republicans anarchists. It s in the nature of politics. PDP should stop crying and whipping up sentiments. They are the anarchists.
In a 2-party system, there is the balance of power and balance of legislative weapon. Infact, right now, we must celebrate the fact that APC has moved from being an opposition party to a party contending for power. PDP is stuck in the past. Though, they control the federal funds and the coercive instruments, they no longer have the keys to the engine room of democracy which is the national assembly. That is the beauty of democracy!
By Alfred Omolewa

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