Sunday 12 May 2019

Stop watching Game of Thrones – Daddy Freeze reacts to public opinions

Media Personality, Daddy Freeze has reacted to a public opinion asking Christians to stop watching Game of Thrones, the the popular series that has taken over the air space. A certain Pastor Victor Eghan on Facebook had yesterday argued that Christians who watch the HBO hit series GAME OF THRONES, will go to hell.

Freeze in his reaction, said it is hypocritical of the pastor to make such statement; Dear Pastor, It is absolutely unscholarly and downright hypocritical to tell people to stop watching Game of Thrones without telling them to also stop reading the Bible, because there is hardly any difference between the storylines of both.
Game of Thrones had 865 deaths, the Bible had more than 2 million. David killed 200 men and cut their foreskins just to marry Saul’s daughter. (1st SAMUEL 18:27)

Game of Thrones had 17 rape cases. The Bible also had many: David’s daughter Tamar was raped by her own brother Amnon, Dinah, daughter of Jacob and Leah, was also raped and her brothers committed murder in their revenge, while many scholars suggest that David himself raped Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother. Solomon also murdered his own brother Adonijah because of a girl called Abishag. Game of Thrones had 144 scenes of naked people, the Bible also has a major scene; David dancing almost naked (Some Scholars say totally naked), in front of the the whole city, while Christ himself was stripped naked publicly and beaten before being crucified.

 There are a lot of porn stars in Game of Thrones.. Well, the very first porn movie recorded, was shot live on the roof, while the entire Israel watched as David’s son Absalom slept with 10 of his concubines publicly. ◄ 2 Samuel 16:22 ► NIV So they pitched a tent for Absalom on the roof, and he slept with his father’s concubines in the sight of all Israel.

 You say there are prostitutes in game of thrones🙄 Aren’t Christ, David and Solomon all descendants of a prostitute named Rahab? Mary was a prostitute and so also was Tamar, who slept with her father in law. ◄ Genesis 38:24 ► NIV About three months later Judah was told, “Your daughter-in-law Tamar is guilty of prostitution. –

Therefore, this submission is ignorant and does very little to showcase anything apart from your ignorance of the scriptures. –

I watch GOT with my family, if there is a scene I find unfit, I screen it out. – Kindly read the Bible verse below and tell me if you dont find it unfit for children.

~FRZ – #FreeTheSheeple –

◄ Ezekiel 23:20 ►
NLT She lusted after lovers with genitals as large as a donkey’s and emissions like those of a horse.

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