Sunday 7 August 2016

I Shed Tears Due To The Overwhelming Love I Got From The Public - Man on Fire, Ani Iyoho!

Nollywood actor who was set on fire in an upcoming movie "Behind the Wheels" in this interview with Opecareem explains what it feels like to be set on fire, the controversies surrounding the movies and so much more.....excerpts below:

OCB: Good to have you back on OCB...Man on Fire! How do you do?

How do you do? It's an honour to be back here. It's sad I had to set myself ablaze to get your attention tough. Lol. Don't mind me, I'm just kidding. It's good to be back again.

OCB: Yea right, you got me there......Everyone is talking about you now... how do you feel about that?

 I'm honoured and grateful to God as it is His doing. Would have liked if the focus was on the stunts I did than the alleged publicity stunt people believe it was. But it probably wouldn't have gone as viral as it did if the focus was on just the stunts alone. I've learnt to see the silver lining in everything, so I accept it the way it came. Couldn't have happened any other way or it would have. So it's all good. It's a huge honour to be on the lips of people around the world for a new ground breaking achievement.

OCB: To start with, how did you meet Stanlee ohikuare?

 I met Stanlee Ohikhuere some time ago when he was shooting his short film Kpians. I was offered a cameo appearance on it. I always wanted to do more and better work with him as he is a top line cinematographer in the business without a doubt.

 OCB: So is this is actually the first time you will be working with him in a movie?

 No this isn't. Kpians was. This would be my first feature length movie with him but my 2nd production I'd be working with him. I only happened to stumble upon this film during the cast and crew meeting. It was a case of being at the right place, at the right time. Pure precedence.

 OCB: Between me and you Ani, Were you truly set ablaze?

Yes I was set on fire. No film trick or computer generated images CGI. It was real fire. Dorothea Kwofie handled it all. Both the fire and the makeup burns.

 OCB: When "you were on fire" how did you feel? Warm. Just a warm feeling that got warmer and warmer as the anti-fire gel dried up. I guess there was a bit of anxiety as well. But we had done test runs using our hands and confired it was safe. How ever the product is so expensive, we couldn't waste anymore of it trying it out on our whole body. So this being the first time there was a little anxiety I must confess and I believe I speak for everyone involved in the production and especially that fire scene.
OCB: "Behind the wheels"....hmmmmm, there is more to the movie, tell me about it.

 It's a movie which sets out to tell a story about tanker drivers. Why they are who they are or work the way they do and the importance of adhering to road safety regulations while on the road. To say more would be to give too much away. You'd just have to watch it when it is released..

OCB: lol, let's save it till then.....So tell me, when you got the script, knowing fully well you gonna act that part, what was your reaction?

 I was happy since it was what I had always hoped for, to work on a feature with Stanlee Ohikhuere. I mean doing anything with Stanlee is always an actors dream in Nollywood as he is always working to push the boundaries. So it got more exciting for me when he suggested that I be set on fire. He said "I for like this scene if fire catch Ani make hin dey burn!" He then asked Dorothea Kwofie if she could make that happen and Dorothea said yes she could. He asked again to which she reassured him she could achieve it. Then he turned around smiling and said "Okay Ani, you're going to be set on fire". Immediately I became extremely excited. I couldn't wait to try out something new. That's the wish of most actor. No, not to be set on fire but to try out something new and not be stereotyped.

OCB: What if it turns out the other way round, would you regret ever taking the script?

 I would have hurt a little. I mean who won't. For an actor our looks are important. But everything happens for a reason. It usually turns out for the better. For every time an accident occurred to me where I thought it might end my acting career, I would tell myself it's about time I became a  director or producer. I probably would be the ugliest producer and director should I have been burnt, but all the same a producer and director I would have been. This is the industry I was made for.

  OCB: Who was the first person that called you when the pub stunt went viral?

A friend, I'd rather keep her name private.

OCB: Sure, it's fine.

But after she did lots of others started calling. I give out my  number to anyone who ask. Something I almost regretted that period as calls came bombarding so much that I had to switch off my phone at the time till we had a chance to resolve it at a press conference.

OCB: I have read and seen different publicity stunts, this one is way out of this world. ...what prompted it?

 It's good you will ask me that, I have no clue. But whenever you find the person do let me know so I can thank him/her for the great job they did. All I know is my director put a post on his Facebook wall to show we can achieve whatever we set our minds out to achieve and then Wham! It went viral. I heard someone sent emails saying the production was trying to hide having burnt an actor. I heard all sorts at the time it became all so confusing. All in all I know this was God's doing. You know in the bible when it was said that the Lord hardened the heart of Pharoah so that he will not let His people go. I believe He used the whole world to spread it. So everyone who posted or reposted it deserves kudos for it. Nothing was or has been coincidence. So I have no qualms at all with anybody. Not with my fans, not with the negative reactions, not with anyone at all. Its precedence. It was inevitable and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it from happening the way it did.

OCB: Tell me about the technicality on the set of the movie and Yes! SFX Make-up artist....that make up was dope. How did they do it?

 Dorothea Kwofie had done months of research and communicating with Hollywood experts in the stunt and anti fire gel producing business to achieve this fire stunt. The principal photography for the movie was done a long time before we eventually did the fire scene. She got the products from the states and did the mixing herself. The Producers Ugoh Azikiwe and Kelechi Udegbe made sure they had enough fire extinguishers. 5 in all. The fire service department, a stream powered by a generator nearby pumped water through a hose to the road and lots of sand by the side of the road. The road led up to a beach and  was particularly selected because of the sand which should make putting out a fire very easy should we need to resort to that method. The SFX Make-up artist Dorothea Kwofie had me soaked in an anti-fire gel. She had an anti-fire suit I wore underneath my costume still soaked in the gel. Prior to the day of the fire stunt we had done some test runs of the gel as well and discovered we had gotten the real one. They were a lot of people claiming to make it out there and some of them were not authentic. The gel is very expensive so we couldn't take chances getting the wrong one. Nothing was left to chance as we were working with the notion that we only had one shot to get it right. The fire was very real. Not VFX. Dorothea studied under a Canadian tutor or something like that and takes her work very seriously. Always doing as much self development on herself. So I dare say the burn Make-up was a piece of cake for her. Also the director Stanlee Ohikhuere left nothing to chance as well. Always checking and cross checking everything. But it was the only way to be sure that he achieved that scene and make sure it was perfect without any occurrences. We had military and or police security during the duration of shoots for the protection of the production cast and crew and to ensure we had no interferances during shoots. Road safety, medics etc. I don't think I've ever been on an ON POINT and meticulous production as this in all my years of being in the industry. They all were amazing and I'm glad to be a part of this project. I mean... I would be now right. Lol.
OCB: As the first Nigerian to be set on fire in a nollywood movie do you feel about it?

 How does anyone who has broken a record feel? Or anyone who has gained recognition for what he does. It feels great. It's what we always want. Personally I like seeing boundaries pushed and being part of it definitely has a feeling of being part of something larger than life. I'm honoured, humbled at the same time delighted and ecstatic. I will unapologetically say that I will always want to be a part of something new and big. OCB: How has Behind the wheels affected your social media accounts? My social media accounts doubled on its followership in just a week and I'm still experiencing a rise. I know it has been predestined and God was definitely been in the detail. From how I got the role, to the size of role it was, to the impact the role has had on the movie and on me personally. God has always been in the detail.

OCB: When is the movie coming out?

 The movie will be out in September and we would ask the public to support the movie and support nollywood. We're doing new, better and bigger things and making our movies more entertaining, enlightening and educative. It's important the public recognises this and support us if they want to see growth in the industry and get more from us. They deserve more from us. We have the technology, contacts, know how, and creativity to compete with international brands and standards. And we have achieved this on the barest funding available. So imagine what we can achieve with the publics support and more funding.

OCB: What exactly has been the reactions of your fans about the fire stunt?

The reactions I got have been mostly that of love and support. People prayed and cried for me, those who knew what I do and those who didn't, all joined in. It changed my perspective on life and humanity as a whole. You know the good book says that the heart of man is despicably wicked. But that wasn't what I saw this time. People can be very kind and full of love. I did have some misguided judgements and statements made from people who felt I had toyed with their emotions and was trying to get famous or something like that. I honestly can't blame them. They reacted to their perception which was a result of what they had heard. So I still appreciate them all. They care enough to react. That's the most important thing. The bodies governing our industry that is AMP, DGN and AGN jumped right into action when the rumour that one of their own was hurt emerged. Even though most of them don't know me personally they all supported. My pastor of the House on the Rock Church also known as HOTR, Pastor Paul Adefarasin, he probably pastors a church of more than 5000 strong members. He called my elder brother William personally and told him that the church would hold back no resources for my treatment as soon as the rumour went viral. I got emotional. I was humbled. I felt I was part of a bigger, powerful and loving family on every side. I have actually shed tears due to the overwhelming love I got and continue to get from the public.

 OCB: Don't you think your fans may find it difficult to believe you?

Some may. But in the end the truth always prevails. Might take a while but the truth is a light and cannot be hidden. It will eventually shine. I am a humble and friendly person. I keep in touch with my fans and friends. I respond to every comment and chat from them. I give my personal contact details to whomever ask me for it.  I believe its important that they have personal relationship and bonding with me through our communication. So this might have made it easier for them to accept me as they have an idea about the kind of person I really am. I don't think I have lost any of my initial fans as they consider themselves my friends. They have been very understanding and supportive. I wouldn't trade them for any other. My fans rock and I appreciate them immensely.

OCB: How do you intend to earn their (fans) trust?

 Easy. I'd just be myself. Jesus couldn't win everybody in the world. I'm not going to try and outdo Him. I'd just be myself. As they say real recognises real. Those who will accept me will and those who won't won't. Its better that way so that the ones I will have will be real. I'm all for quality and not quantity when it comes to my fans. So far I have quality and loyal people around me. I love them all very much and will always make myself available for them as much as I possibly can. So help me God. That way I continue to maintain their trust in me.

OCB: What are you currently working on now?

A lot of scripts are coming in at this point in time. Some pending projects I had already been penned down for in subsequent months to come. I have been spending most of my time renovating my new apartment with my fiancée, waiting for the saga to blow over and not working on any particular job as we speak. But from this week we're entering it looks like it's going to be back to back work for me.

 OCB: What would you like to tell your fans?

 As you have been here for me, through it all, may my Father be there for you as well. All your kind prayers and emotions have not been wasted as our God who sees your earnest heart and prayers will come through for you. I promise to always make you guys proud and be there as much as I can and is humanly possible. Please #StopAndThink #StopTheCriticism #StopWithTheLimitation and #SupportNollywood. You deserve more from your entertainment and I will always give you more. I love you all very much. Thank you very much.

 That's all we can take, the actor can be reached via:

Instagram & Twitter @ani_iyoho 

 Ani Iyoho's show reel short version Nov 2013 lite (3:27) Show Real Nov 2013

  Beat me. Excerpt scene from Potomanto (2:26) POTOMANTO

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