Friday 16 March 2018

Meet The Young Guy behind Phocus Brand - Odunsi Timileyin

As part of my project, committed to celebrating and promoting young Nigerian Entrepreneurs, I present Timi to you. He's a young talented entrepreneur. I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw some of his brands... So i interviewed him and shared his story on my website so that other young Nigerians would know that there's a life apart from waiting for jobs and blaming the government. Here's his story. Read my interview with Timileyin Odunsi #CeoUnder25...

Opecareem: What's the idea behind "royalty collections"
Phocus: It's a collection of different types shirts with the inscription King and Queen on it We decided that as a brand we could give everyone a crown. 😂😂 which is the shirt.
OPECareem: What's ur definition of fashion and style?
Phocus: Knowing what looks good on you and wearing it in dynamic ways and thinking out of the box in mad ways.

OPECareem: Sometimes i just wonder what motivates you...
Phocus: The fact that I always want to look and appear really nice and attractive
The fact that I don't like seeing people dress anyhow or not make use of what they have well to look good
And the fact that I wanna start up my own legacy and be independent.

Opecareem: And how do you combine school with business?
Phocus: It's not so easy sha but there's a saying that where there's a will there always a way
Opecareem: Sourcing for clients and getting ur brands out dere cud be a very tedious task.... Don't you  get tired sometimes.. Like do you  ever feel like giving up
Phocus: Yes oo at some point considering the fact that I'm d one doing everything thing social media work, packaging, sourcing, product photography, link up etc.. A person is not defined by his success but what he does when his back is not against the wall but the floor, I've learnt not to dwell on mistakes cos they are inevitable but once made learn from them and move on no mistake is a failure, you only discover a way that this can't work.
OPECareem: And what wud u say to a person that wants to become an entrepreneur but lacks funding?........ Ur kind of biz does it really demand much?
Phocus: I started my business with a dream N3, 000. If you're waiting for your total capital it would never come tbvh so start small grow big.
OPECareem: Where do you see yourself in the next 5  years
Phocus: As the youngest CEO and start paying at least 50 staffs before age 25.
OPECareem: And what is ur advice for unemployed Nigerian youths
Phocus: There are no jobs in Nigeria... so the earlier you think the earlier ideas come to your head don't wait for anyone to do anything for you life is pretty messed up it won't give you wat you want you have to take it from it. Or else it would never be yours.
OPECareem: So you mean no 9-5 job for you upon graduation?
Phocus: Naaa I'm not seeing myself that way and even if I get a job like that it just means I'll be doing two jobs mine and whosoever employs me I would Never kill my brand because of someone who already has his.

OPECareem: What if those people become entrepreneurs.. Who will you employ?
Phocus: I won't be thinking of employment I'll be thinking of partnership by then. 😂😂
You can follow Timilehin Odunsi on @PHOCUS.BRAND for your fashion needs, photography and cakes...

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